Friendship Marriage In Japan On The Rise, What Is It All About

There is a strange trend that is being practices very commonly these days which is , read on to know what it is and why is is being so widely practiced.
A huge number of young people in Japan are opting for a new type of marriage that neither requires love nor sex, this is called ‘friendship marriage’
So what is this trend of friendship marriage in Japan and why did this start is what all sociologists and societal thinkers are questioning. Thousands of people in Japan, somewhere around 120 million are part of this growing trend. Reports further say that with the passage of time, traditional marriages will be a thing of the past.
The people who are parts of such marriages do not have kids in natural ways. They choose other methods such as artificial insemination, etc to have kids. However almost a vast majority of people who are parts of this new concept opt out of having kids. The individuals in friendship marriage can have romantic relationships with other people.
Generally in such marriages there are agreements specifying various things like expenses, food, laundry and other such daily aspects of a marriage. Friendship marriage is basically like having a roommate with complementing tastes and interest factors. This concept is also being slowly adopted in various other South-East Asian countries.