Mothers and sisters will benefit from Mahtari App: Arun Saav

Raipur raipur news. On the Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada, Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw said that Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada is going on. In which the problem of ration card, electricity water problem, Ayushman card is also being made. Medical checkup is also being done at many places. The government is trying to solve most of the problems at the camp. Monitoring is being done at the state level. Today there is a big tree plantation in Bilaspur. I will also go to the Jan Samasya Nivaran Camp.
On the preparation to make CGPSC transparent, Arun Saw said that a committee has been formed so that the PSC examination is transparent and fair. The report of the committee is yet to come. As soon as the report comes, our government will consider it as well. Transparency and fairness have to be brought through modern technology.
On the discussion of making Lakheshwar Baghel the Leader of the Deputy Opposition, Arun Saw said that it is a matter of Congress… who will be made what? The relevance of Congress among the public has ended. Congress has gone away from public interest and state interest. On the 6th installment of Mahtari Vandan Yojana, Deputy CM Arun Saw said that the amount of Mahtari Vandan is to be released on the 1st. It shows the commitment of Vishnudev government towards mothers and sisters. The 6th installment will be released today as a Rakhi gift to the mothers and sisters of Chhattisgarh. Mahtari App is also being launched. Mothers and sisters will also benefit from it.