Students upset with principal, accused of taking money and giving arbitrary marks

Pendra. Students appear helpless before the arbitrariness, corruption and harassment of the Government Physical Education Training College, Pendra management. The students studying here allege that the players who perform well and come to the college regularly are given bribes instead of correct marks. Caution money has not been returned for the last several years.
Even after charging library, sports and gym fees, the college management is not providing proper facilities. A fee of Rs 500 per trainee has been charged for the practical examination, which is much more than the amount fixed by the university. Those trainees who did not participate in many sports competitions have been given more marks. Business teacher Sanjay Kevart is accused of using the gym material of the college for a private academy. The students have made a written complaint to the Collector and have requested to improve the pathetic condition of the college by taking action against the guilty teachers.
Principal of Government Physical Education Training College, R.J. The students have submitted a complaint letter to the Collector against Lal, Maya Banerjee, trade teacher Sanjay Kevart and clerk Shrivas.
Let us tell you that the students studying in this physical college of Pendra have also demanded action against the District Education Officer. The students allege that with the involvement of the District Education Officer, the college management is acting arbitrarily and playing with the future of the students.
Student Dharmendra Kumar Dhruv has accused the principal along with teachers Maya Banerjee and Sanjay Kevart of demanding a bribe of Rs 5,000 in exchange for giving marks in the practical exam. Student Dharmendra Kumar Dhruv has written to the collector. Now it has to be seen what action the administration takes against the management of the Government Physical Education Training College.