Durg: Under the direction of Superintendent of Police, Abhishek Jha (Rapuse), Additional Superintendent of Police (City) and Chirag Jain (B.P.S.) City Superintendent of Police, under the guidance of Inspector Navi Monica Pandey, Police Station In-charge, Mohan Nagar Durg, continuous efforts are being made to curb the increasing crimes due to drug addiction and to bring awareness among the people against drug addiction. In this sequence, on 12.08.2024, Chirag Jain, City Superintendent of Police Satish Thakur, Traffic DSP Durg, Navi Monica Pandey, Police Station In-charge, Police Station Mohan Nagar, Dr. Ajay Gupta, Ajay Kalyani from Kalyani De-addiction Center, Rajkumar Narayani Councilor Mohan Nagar area were present and people were informed about the increasing crimes due to drug addiction and the ill effects of drug addiction on health.
Chirag Jain, City Superintendent of Police, Durg, said that major crimes are happening due to drug addiction, in preventing which, along with the police, the common people have a special role. If you stop drug addiction around you, then certainly crime can be curbed. Durg Police is continuously taking action against drug addiction. Mr. Satish Thakur, Traffic DSP, said that driving a vehicle after consuming drugs poses a threat to one’s life as well as that of the common people, so he said not to drive a vehicle after consuming drugs and to stay away from drugs. In the same sequence, Police Station Incharge of Mohan Nagar Police Station Navi Monica Pandey said that women are the pillars of the family, you should be aware and make people who consume drugs understand and cooperate with the police and appealed to make a drug-free society. Dr. Ajay Gupta told about the serious diseases caused in human life due to drug addiction that various types of diseases occur due to drug addiction, which can be avoided by not consuming drugs. Councilor Shri Rajkumar Narayani appealed to the people that a peaceful environment can be established only by staying away from drugs. In the said programme, about 100 people were informed about the ill effects of drug abuse and were appealed to stay away from drugs and were made to take oath to be free from drugs.