Raipur. If you are planning to go out on the occasion of 15th August, then the train may get cancelled. Cancellation of many trains has been announced by the Railways due to various reasons which may cause inconvenience to the common people. This can be a bad news for the people who go on outings on 15th August because 15th August is about to come and on this day people go for outings with their friends and family.
But the Railways has canceled about 19 trains from 10 to 22 August, out of which only 2 trains will run late. Let us inform that the work of fourth line is being done in Bilaspur-Champa section. During this work, the work of remodeling of Sakti station and connecting Sakti station with new line fourth line will be done. Meanwhile, trains will be affected from August 10 to 22 till the railway work is done. According to Railways, only 2 trains will run and that too late.