Mahasamund. During the current monsoon in Mahasamund district, an average rainfall of 234.2 mm has been recorded since June 01, 2023. According to the information received from the land records, maximum rainfall in the district was recorded in Mahasamund development block 374.1 mm, Saraipali 230.6 mm, Pithora 210.9 mm, Bagbahra development block 206.6 mm and the lowest rainfall 149.0 mm in Basna block.
Today, on June 28, an average rainfall of 23.8 mm was recorded. Tehsil-wise rainfall of the district today recorded 44.7 mm in Bagbahra tehsil, 35.3 mm in Mahasamund tehsil, 14.3 mm in Pithora tehsil, 13.1 mm in Saraipali tehsil and 11.6 mm in Basna tehsil.