RANIPET: Thirty-three goats, while trying to eat leaves from trees, were electrocuted to death in Kidangu street of Anaimallur village after coming into contact with electric wires that were hanging as strong winds had gushed the village on Thursday. The goats belonged to a farmer, P Shankar (65), of Thimiri in Anaimallur village.
“The incident happened on Thursday around 5:30 pm when Shankar was returning with his goats when heavy winds struck the lakeside area. The winds caused the neem trees to fall which got entangled with the wires. While, Shankar escaped from the tragic incident, 33 goats, who consumed the leaves, were electrocuted. Total number goats lost is valued at `35,000 per pair,” sources said.
The Tamil Nadu Farmers’ Association has urged the Ranipet District Administration to provide immediate relief to the loss incurred by Shankar’s family. Following the petition, officials from the Animal Husbandry, Dairy, and Fisheries Department inspected the site and assured that further action would be taken to compensate for the losses.