Churu. Sadar police recovered 33 kg of doda poppy in three sacks from a truck loaded with rubber sacks. Police seized a truck and a bicycle used as an escort vehicle and arrested two smugglers. This action was taken during the blockade on NH 52 in Sadar police station area late on Thursday night.
Sadar police station in-charge Kartar Singh said that during the blockade on NH 52 on Thursday evening, a cyclist came from Fatehpur side and turned back after seeing the police vehicle. When the police stopped the cyclist and asked him to turn back, he got scared. Then after some time a truck came from behind. The police stopped the truck driver and interrogated him. Who said the truck was full of rubber bags? During the search of the truck, the police found 33 kg of poppy husk in three bags. Which was confiscated by the police. Truck driver Ghaga Patiala Amandeep and cyclist Pradeep were arrested. The police have handed over the investigation of the case to Ratannagar police station officer Ruparam.