Raipur. Thieves raided three empty houses in the capital. 7 lakh cash including gold and silver jewelery kept in the cupboard has been crossed. The residents of all the three houses had gone out. When he returned, he came to know about the incident. After that information was given to the police. Police is probing all the three cases. Police said that there was a marriage in the family of Chandrashekhar Sonkar, posted in the Railways.
The family went out. Returned on Tuesday. When the almirah was opened, it was found that 4 lakh jewelery and cash kept in it were missing. Searched the house, but did not find the jewelry. Here, jewelery worth three lakhs has been crossed from the deserted house of Yogesh Srivastava and Kajal Ahuja, residents of Amlidih.
Both went out with their families. Thieves came inside by breaking the lock of the house and broke the lock of the almirah and took away the jewellery. The police is examining the CCTV footage installed around the three houses. Got footage of some suspects.