Janjgir-Champa: As the date of voting for Chhattisgarh Assembly elections is getting closer, BJP’s problems are also increasing. Many BJP leaders have already received notices from the Commission regarding filling the forms under Mahtari Vandan Yojana, while now the calendars with photos of the leaders have also been seized. The number of such calendars which have been seized is around 5 thousand. This action has been taken by the FST team.
Actually, during the investigation, the team searched a Scorpio in which about 5 thousand calendars were loaded. Photographs of BJP leaders were printed in this calendar. The person from whom the goods were seized is said to be a resident of Maharashtra. He was taking this calendar to Raigarh. The entire action unfolded near Arjuni Chowk of Akaltara in Janjgir district.