In a democracy, the public gives its leadership a mandate of five years to fulfill its promises. In such a situation, expecting the head of a state to fulfill these promises in just six months is usually meaningless. But if there is passion in the mind, a desire to do something, sensitive efforts and work is done under a coordinated strategy, then history can be created even in six months. The work of any government cannot be evaluated in just six months, despite this, the speed with which the Vishnu Dev Sai government is taking the work forward is definitely an example.
Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai did not waste any time to fulfill most of the promises made during the assembly elections. It can be understood in this way. Swearing-in on 13 December 2023, then on 15 April 2024 i.e. 4 months and 02 days. From 16 March 2024 to 6 June 2024 i.e. 2 months and 21 days, the Model Code of Conduct remained in effect in the entire state due to the Lok Sabha elections. In such a situation, it has been six months since Vishnu Dev Sarkar became the Chief Minister, but he has got only 4 months to take decisions, implement schemes, and give a concrete shape to the future strategy.
chhattisgarh news Despite all this, Chief Minister Sai has succeeded in leaving a different mark in the state with his accurate decisions. When we talk about half the population, then a solid and long-term strategy has to be made for their health, education, self-reliance and empowerment. A new ray of hope has come in the lives of 70 lakh married women of the state through the Mahtari Vandan Yojana. From Ib to Indravati, that is, married women all around the state are being given one thousand rupees every month and in this way four installments have been given. The main objective behind the state government giving money to the accounts of married mothers and sisters is to empower them economically and improve their economic condition.
The Chief Minister, who is true to his promises and claims, fulfilled the guarantee of purchasing paddy from lakhs of farmers of the state at the rate of Rs 3100 per quintal and 21 quintals per acre and paid the support price of Rs 32 thousand crore to the farmers’ accounts, while the difference amount of Rs 13 thousand 320 crore was transferred to 24 lakh 75 thousand farmers under the Krishak Unnati Yojana. A record 145 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was purchased in the Kharif season. Apart from this, bold decisions have been taken like giving the farmers the bonus amount of Rs 3 thousand 716 crore for two years of paddy.
Chief Minister Sai succeeded in establishing his identity as a sensitive government and a government of farmers in just six months. Who will understand the pain, struggle, respect and need of the tribals better than him! As soon as the government was formed, the price of tendu leaves was increased to Rs 5 thousand 500 per standard sack, which is benefiting more than 12 lakh 50 thousand tendu leaf collectors. Who does not want the elders of the family to go on pilgrimage, but financial constraints, security and guidance come in the way. In such a situation, the wish of the heart is being fulfilled through the human initiative of Vishnu Government i.e. Ramlala Mandir Darshan Yojana.
If no one sleeps hungry, then if such thoughts are included in your action plan, then it is definitely human sensitivity. Decisions like giving free food grains to more than 68 lakh poor families of the state for five years are proving that the government is giving priority to the welfare of the poor. Own house, concrete house, all this sounds like a daydream for a poor family. But to make this dream come true, the state has moved ahead vigorously towards the construction of 18 lakh Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. In such a situation, having a concrete roof over the head of the poor will become a symbol of a strong family and a happy society.
As soon as the government came to power, understanding the problems of the youth and understanding the anger and frustration of the youth regarding the PSC examination scam, Chief Minister Shri Sai recommended a CBI inquiry. Happiness has been seen in the minds of the youth by giving 5 years relaxation in the age limit of government recruitment. The Bastar region is known for its beautiful natural environment and immense resources and the art and culture of the innocent tribals here has attracted the country and the world. Some Maoist terrorists are working to pollute this paradise. The result of Chief Minister Shri Sai’s firm decision and better strategy is that in just six months, 129 Maoists have been killed by the security forces, 488 have been arrested, 431 have surrendered and in this way a new ray of hope has started to appear in Bastar.