Balrampur. As per the instructions of the government, paddy procurement has started from 01 November 2023 for the Kharif marketing year 2023-24. Collector Mr. Remijius Ekka has given strict instructions to all the monitoring teams, nodal and revenue officers that continuous action should be taken against illegal transportation and storage of paddy and paddy should be purchased from genuine farmers only. There should be all the necessary arrangements for the farmers in the procurement centers so that they can sell the paddy easily.
As per the instructions of Collector Ekka, under the guidance of Sub-Divisional Officer Revenue Ramanujganj, the Revenue Department team has seized illegal paddy in a pickup vehicle coming from Uttar Pradesh. According to the information received, 60 sacks of paddy were being transported illegally in the pickup, which was seized by the Revenue Department team during investigation and handed over to Sanawal police station. It is known that Collector Ekka has formed a team to stop the arrival of illegal paddy in the district and has given instructions to take strict action against the coaches and middlemen. Also, citizens have been appealed to lodge a complaint in case of any illegal activity or irregularity in paddy procurement, in which the information of the complainant will be kept completely confidential.