Former PM of Japan lauds global efforts for world peace in historic Hyderabad Assembly
New Delhi: In a historic and visionary message addressed to Dr. Tony Nader, Honorable President of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, Dr. Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister of Japan (2009-2010), enthusiastically lauded the upcoming 10,000 for the World Peace Assembly. In the serene Kanha Shanti Vanam of Hyderabad. This unprecedented gathering, featuring world leaders, dignitaries and honored guests, is dedicated to advancing global harmony through the transformative practices of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Siddhi programs. Hatoyama, who is known for his advocacy of ‘brotherhood’ – promoting friendship and love among nations for the greater good – expressed his deep admiration for the achievements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He particularly highlighted the verifiable impact of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Siddhi programs proven by strong scientific research. In his address, Hatoyama emphasized the important role of a global community, with at least 9,000 individuals actively engaging in these transformative practices. Under the dynamic leadership of Tony Nader, this gathering will turn this vision into reality, and offer hope for a more peaceful world. Drawing from his extensive experience as a former Prime Minister of Japan, Hatoyama enthusiastically proposed that governments around the world thoroughly examine the compelling scientific data presented at this gathering. He underlined the urgent need for collective support in the establishment of permanent groups dedicated to the ideals of brotherhood, peace and prosperity throughout the world. In a heartfelt conclusion, Yukio Hatoyama extended his heartfelt congratulations to all Assembly participants, acknowledging their unwavering commitment to a great goal that humanity has aspired to achieve for countless generations. The World Peace Assembly is an unprecedented convergence of 10,000 global leaders who are committed to creating harmony and peace through deep practices of meditation and scientifically proven methods.