Take water in a vessel and heat it. After this, a towel should be placed on the opening coming out of the water. Immediately rub the towel gently over the affected area of blackheads. By doing this three times you will get relief from blackheads.
Make a paste by mixing curd, peanut flour and coffee powder and apply on the face. Now apply this mixture on blackheads and massage with light hands. Massage like this for 2 to 3 minutes and then wash the face with normal water. After this apply moisturizer on the face. Doing this massage twice a week will get rid of blackheads.
Mix two spoons of baking soda in the white part of the egg and apply it on the face for 15 to 20 minutes. Massage gently after 20 minutes. After massage wash the face with warm water. This pack can be applied once or twice a week. This will reduce black spots quickly.
Applying a paste of mint leaves removes blackheads easily. For that, first boil the water by adding mint leaves and a pinch of turmeric. Boiled leaves should be grinded and applied on the face and left for some time. After this massage with light hands. Now wash the face with lukewarm or normal water.