Assam University teachers proud
Silchar: Three faculty members of Assam University brought glory to their institution in the international arena as they were included in Elsevier’s prestigious list of top 2 per cent scientists in the world. They are Dr. Shubhadeep Roychowdhury, Associate Professor of Life Sciences and Bioinformatics, Dr. Pradeep Debnath, Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities in the School of Technology and Dr. Rabinarayan Parhi, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Elsevier is an internationally renowned publishing and information analytics company. Elsevier’s database of top-cited scientists provided standardized information on citations, co-authorship, citations to papers at different authorship positions, and a composite indicator. Scientists around the world are classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 subfields according to the standard Sci-Metrics classification.
The recognition given by Elsevier is counted as evidence of the extraordinary contributions of scientists in the fields of natural sciences, environmental sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, health sciences and mathematical and statistical sciences.