Raigarh. Kotwali police is continuously taking action on the information regarding sale of illegal liquor in the city. Recently, on the information of illegal sale of liquor in Kotwali Madhubanpara, Riyapara and Sanjay Market, liquor raids were conducted and the accused were taken to jail under Excise Act. In the same sequence, on the evening of 25.10.2023, on the information of police station in-charge Kotwali Inspector Shanip Ratre about illegal liquor sale in Naya Jagatpur ward, Kotwali police conducted a liquor raid at the house of suspect Karthik Ekka in Naya Jagatpur. In the liquor raid operation by Kotwali police, accused Karthik Ekka, father Belsingh Ekka, age 28 years, resident of Naya Jagatpur police station, Kotwali Raigarh, seized 7 liters of Mahua liquor worth ₹ 700 from the accused and brought the accused to the liquor police station. Action has been taken against the accused under Excise Act under 34 (2), 59 (A) in the police station. Lady head constable Aruna Chaurasia and fellow constables Komal Tiwari and Sushil Minj were involved in the liquor raid proceedings.