Raipur: After the implementation of the Model Code of Conduct, the administration will also keep an eye on the messages posted on the social media app WhatsApp. Seeing this, group administrators have started alerting their members. which is like this —-
Important notice
The Election Commission of India has announced the date of Chhattisgarh State Assembly elections. With this announcement, the Election Model Code of Conduct has been implemented in the state. Therefore, all of you are requested not to post any kind of political post, party post, post related to support of any candidate, post in protest, post against government administration, inflammatory post, or any message which is not ideal. Violates the code of conduct. The person posting against the violation of the code of conduct will himself be responsible and the group administrator will not be responsible for it. Please, fellow employees will take special care of this because we are all employees and the model code of conduct is very sensitive for us.