Starting with tea: Our day starts with a cup of tea. If there is a day when tea is not drunk then that day itself seems incomplete. Tea has become such an essential part of our lives and diet that we do not want to live without it. Tea is the first choice of Indians. Be it a guest at home or a friend, tea is served everywhere, know how tea started.
How was tea invented?
The invention of tea is linked to China. The credit for its invention is given to Chinese ruler Shen Nung. However, this was not an intentional discovery but an accidental one. This happened about 4800 years ago i.e. 2732 BC. After this incident, people started knowing tea as a drinkable substance.
Tea trend in India
The credit for the modern use of tea in India goes to the British. Although tea leaves were used for other purposes in India even before this, the credit for its popularity as a beverage from an industrial point of view goes to the British. Regarding the tea plant, a British officer had also told in 1820 that the tea plant originally originated in Assam. It was not currently used.
India is one of the leading countries in tea production
India is one of the leading countries in the world not only in tea drinking but also in its production. Tea from Assam, Nilgiri and Darjeeling of India is famous all over the world. Apart from India, China and Kenya are also among the top tea producing countries in the world.