A hilarious video has surfaced where we can see that a dog is laying on a bed and enjoying a show on the mobile phone. The video has gone viral after getting posted to Instagram earning a huge number of views as well as interesting comments. We can see in the video that the dog, a golden retriever is relaxing on a bed while a mobile phone has been fixed to a stand in front or it. The dog is laying on the bed with ease and enjoying the show on the mobile phone. Reportedly, golden retrievers are wonderful friends. They are known for copying action of humans. The Instagram page Adore_Pankaj shared the said video and asked in the caption, “Is this how everyone spends their weekends?” The post has so far garnered a huge 9,484,531 likes along with a number of comments. Here are some interesting comments for the video. “Mobile phones first ruined humans and now dogs” ‘What!!!??? These dogs ain’t dogs no more.’ ‘He’s living better than me rn.’ “Even animals are glued to their phone too. I don’t blame you buddy same here.”