Be it household responsibilities or office work, women perform their every responsibility well. But, in the midst of all these works, she often ignores her health. In such a situation, the risk of many health-related problems like diabetes, heart-related problems, obesity, back pain, etc. increases. In such a situation, women can do some yoga daily to keep themselves fit and active and to avoid problems.
Today we are telling you about such yogasanas, which women in their 30s should do daily. Fitness trainer Juhi Kapoor is telling us about these yogasanas. Experts say, “Doing yoga not only keeps the body healthy, but also keeps the mind fit. Apart from this, it also brightens the face.
Stand up straight.
Raise the right leg up.
Place this foot on the left thigh.
Balance the body weight on the left leg.
Join the palms in Pranam Mudra at the heart chakra.
Repeat the Yogasana with the other leg.
Take a deep breath and raise your hands up.
Slowly bring the body to a sitting position, as you sit on a chair.
Stay in this pose for a few seconds.
Then come to the first position.
bandha konasana
Sit on the ground by straightening the legs.
Then slowly bend the knees and bring the soles of both the feet together.
Hold the feet tightly with the hands.
Move the knees of both the legs up and down.
Repeat this several times.
Keep in mind that the knees should not touch the ground.
Repeat this asana several times.
Ustrasana is also known as Camel Pose.
To do this, sit in Vajrasana.
Then stand on the knees.
Keep the parts of the waist straight from the knees.
Bend your back and hold the ankles of your feet with your hands.
Now tilt the head backwards.
Stay in this pose for some time.
Anand Balasan
Lie down on your back.
Bring the knees towards the chest by bending them.
Holding the feet with the hands, slowly spread the knees and move them towards the thighs.
Stay in this posture for some time.
Exhaling slowly, come out of this pose.
Supta Baddha Konasana
Lie down on your back.
While exhaling, bend the knees and stretch the heels towards the pelvis.
Bring the soles of the feet together.
Bring the ankles near the pelvis.
Stay in this posture for some time.
Breathe in and lift the knees up.
Take the legs back to the first position.
benefits of yoga
Stretches in the thighs, waist and knees.
Improve posture.
Relieves mild depression, anxiety and fatigue.
Removes the problems caused by periods.
Improves reproductive health and cures fertility.
The fat around the stomach and waist is reduced.
Keeps the problem of high blood pressure and asthma under control.
Makes legs strong.
Keeps metabolism right.
Makes the spine strong.
There is good stretching of the body.
If your age is also 30 years, then definitely do these yogasanas. If you also want information related to yoga, then tell us in the comment box below the article. If you liked this story, do share it. Stay connected to Harzindagi to read more such stories.