Ambassadors of America and France paid tribute to Mahatma GandhiAmbassadors of America and France paid tribute to Mahatma GandhiAmbassadors of America and France paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi

New Delhi: The ambassadors of America and France on Monday paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 154th birth anniversary. “On Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, I am deeply inspired by his enduring legacy. His message of nonviolence remains a beacon of hope for equality and justice around the world.” “Dr. Martin Luther King and Gandhi’s profound influence on the American civil rights movement reminds us of the power of their ideals,” US Ambassador Eric Garcetti posted on Twitter. The French Embassy also paid tribute to the Father of the Nation. “On Gandhi Jayanti, Ambassador-designate Thierry Matthau and everyone at the Embassy are paying tribute to the Mahatma and the values of peace, tolerance and non-violence that he so steadfastly adhered to,” the Embassy said in a post on Twitter. Gandhiji is greatly admired, as seen in the statues in Strasbourg and Voril.”