Chairperson Waqf Board, Dr Darakhshan Andrabi today inaugurated newly constructed grand Deodi ( Raised Gate) and a new utility complex at Chrar-i-Sharief shrine.
Darakhshan visited Chrar-e-Sharief and paid obeisance at the shrine of Sheikh-ul-Aalam Nooruddin Noorani (RA). She was accompanied by Waqf Board Member Syed Mohammed Haqqani, SDM Chadoora Muzamil Ahmed and the Executive Magistrate of the Board Ishtiyaq Mohiuddin besides others.
Andrabi inaugurated the grand Deodi for the Shrine Complex and also dedicated a modern utility- cum- sanitary complex to the people. Both these works were completed by Waqf Board before the allotted time.
Board Chairperson got a rousing welcome from the local citizens and the Board authorities at her arrival at the Shrine.
While addressing a large gathering on the occasion, Dr Andrabi highlighted the achievements of Waqf Board during last eighteen months. She thanked the people of the area for their cooperation and their efforts to talk about the developmental initiatives of the Board in Chrar-e-Sharief.
“Much more is on the cards as we are committed to upgrade the infrastructure within allotted time frame. For the first time since decades, Waqf Board is building or upgrading infrastructure at our shrines out of our own resources. Earlier, this money went to the pockets of some politicians who manipulated Waqf assets”, Dr Darakhshan said.
“Those whose interests are defeated by the reforms in Waqf Board are complaining here and there about our working. We are committed to provide a transparent system at all costs through Waqf Board so that our shrines become model places of visit and worship”, Waqf Chairperson added.