Apart from being healthy, copper vessel water is also harmful for health, keep these things in mind

Copper utensils have special significance in India. Copper metal itself is a natural disinfectant. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel on an empty stomach in the morning has many health benefits. Sometimes drinking water in a copper utensil in the wrong way and untimely also causes harm. In such a situation, information about both the advantages and disadvantages of drinking water in a copper vessel should be kept. Special care has to be taken of cleaning the copper utensils, because there is a danger of copper layer freezing in the copper utensils. The health properties of copper have also been proved in scientific researches. According to a study, 99.9 percent of E-coli bacteria can be killed on a copper surface within 2 hours.
According to Ayurveda, by drinking water kept in a copper vessel, the body balances all three Vata, Pitta and Kapha. But for this it is also necessary that the water should be kept in it for at least 8 hours. Another special thing about water kept in a copper vessel is that this water never gets stale and remains fresh for a long time. Apart from all these benefits, one should also be aware of when drinking water in a copper vessel can be harmful.
Precautions in using copper utensils
People often take a carelessness in the use of this water. Seeing its health benefits in most of the houses, keeping water in a copper jug or glass is drunk, but keep in mind that never keep this utensil on the ground, otherwise you will not get any benefit from it.
keep clean
Apart from this, also keep in mind that clean its inner bottom properly, otherwise the layer of copper oxide (green color) starts freezing on it and even then you do not get the full benefits of this water. This happens because the copper oxide layer prevents the direct contact of water with the copper and hence the chemical reaction.
helpful in curing diseases
Copper reacts chemically with water and thus produces antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. This is the reason that drinking water kept in a copper vessel cures many diseases.
virus dies
According to a study, keeping water in a copper vessel can also reduce its impurities. The study found that keeping water in this metal vessel for 16 hours killed most of the bacteria present in it. The amoeba of ‘dysentery virus’ and ‘E-coli’, specially present in that water, were completely destroyed.
prevent infection
Such elements are found in plenty in it, which protect you from fungus, infection. Along with this, you are saved from the infection caused by consuming it in every season.
copper heals wounds
Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Tamra Jal helps the body to heal its internal and external wounds quickly. It also balances the secretion of the thyroid gland and is beneficial in curing arthritis pain. By helping in the absorption of iron elements in the body, it removes anemia and reduces cholesterol.
beneficial in cancer
Drinking water kept in a copper vessel relieves problems like vata, bile and phlegm in the body, not only this, it contains antioxidant elements which work to strengthen the body’s immunity. In such a situation, drinking water kept in copper is very beneficial for people suffering from cancer.
will always look young
Drinking water kept in a copper vessel works to keep our skin healthy. This removes the looseness of the skin and also prevents wrinkles. Due to which our skin remains shiny and healthy all the time.
beneficial in thyroid
Drinking water kept in a copper vessel works to control the thyroid. Therefore, if a person is suffering from thyroid, then he should always drink water kept in a copper vessel.
Beneficial in joint pain and arthritis
Copper vessel water reduces uric acid in the body, thereby providing relief from arthritis or joint pain. That’s why any person who is suffering from such problem should always consume water kept in a copper vessel.
skin stays healthy
By always drinking water kept in a copper vessel, the skin remains glowing and naturally the skin remains shiny and healthy.
keep heart healthy
By drinking water kept in a copper vessel, blood circulation goes on smoothly, due to which cholesterol is controlled, which is very beneficial for the heart. That’s why keep water in a copper utensil every night and drink it in the morning.
Copper is a very essential substance for our body which works to absorb essential nutrients in the body. Due to which there is no shortage of blood in the body and all the diseases related to blood are also relieved.
aid in digestion
Regularly drinking water kept in a copper vessel helps in digestion. Stomach related diseases like acidity and gas stay away.
reduce fat
It has been proved in a research that by eating food in a copper utensil, you can easily reduce your weight. Such elements are found in it which increases metabolism. Due to which your fat gets burnt easily.
sharpen your mind
If food is consumed in a copper utensil during pregnancy, it affects the mind of the child to be born. Along with this, his immunity becomes very strong. synthesis of copper phospholipids