Milk is called a complete diet. Many types of things are found in milk including vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, protein and lactic acid, which are essential for our health. But milk is very beneficial not only for health but also for the skin. Applying raw milk on the skin will give many benefits to the skin.
If raw milk is applied on the skin, along with improving the skin, wrinkles, fine lines and aging are also beneficial. Applying this gives moisture to the face. Let us know in what ways raw milk can be used.
face scrub
Face scrub can be made from raw milk. To make a face scrub, take raw milk with sugar and a little gram flour. Mix these three and apply on the face. Massage with this face scrub with light hands for about 2 to 3 minutes. After this you wash your face. This removes the dead skin of the skin.
milk purifier
Raw milk can also be used as a cleanser to clean the face properly. First of all, wash your mouth thoroughly with water. After this apply raw milk on your face with the help of cotton. Due to this, dust and dirt will start coming out from your face. Raw milk not only removes all kinds of dirt but also brings glow on the face.
Turmeric milk
Raw milk can also be infused with turmeric. Turmeric has many medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory, applying which will enhance the face. Put a pinch of turmeric in raw milk and apply it on the face. Wash your face with clean water after 10 minutes of applying it. This will make the skin look shiny. This nail is also beneficial in acne.