Bhilai: An attempt was made to break open an ATM in Shastri Nagar area under Cantonment Police Station. The thieves failed to break open the ATM, so they stole only the battery and UPS and fled the scene. The ATM belonged to India-1 company near BM Shah Hospital. The accused tried to break the body of the ATM along with breaking the CC TV. If they did not succeed in this, they broke the lock of the back room of the ATM and ran away with the UPS and battery kept inside.
Seeing the condition inside, someone called the representative of the company and informed. When the team of the company reached further, the CC TV camera of the ATM was found broken. The body of the ATM was found damaged. The representative of the company complained about the matter in the cantonment police station. After this the whole matter was revealed. It is reported that the picture of the accused has been captured in the CCTV camera. On the basis of the picture, the police is looking for the accused.
There was no guard in the ATM from the operator company.
The ATM near BM Shah Hospital, which was tried to break, is being operated by a private company India-1. The guard has not been kept by the company for the security of the ATM. Another ATM has also been installed by the State Bank near this ATM. He also does not have any guard for security at night. The ATM was without a guard even on the night of the incident. Attempted to break the ATM, thieves escaped with UPS and battery