Rudraprayag: Around 7:25 am on Sunday morning in Kedarnath Dham, behind the Kedarnath temple, a glacier was seen breaking and falling down between the mountain ranges towards Chaurabari under the Sumeru mountain range. Local people said that there was an ice boil in the mountain ranges.
Everyone is safe after this incident. Local people said that such incidents have happened many times in the Himalayas in the past also.
केदारनाथ धाम में सुमेरु पर्वत पर एवलांच आया है. यहां अक्सर एवलांच की घटनाएं होती रहती है. खासकर चौराबाड़ी ग्लेशियर के कैचमैंट में एवलांच देखने को मिलता है.
— KC SINGH (@Journalist__KC) September 3, 2023
वीडियो साभारः @shubhamtorres09 pic.twitter.com/cKNImltFrj