Bathua is such a vegetable whose properties are unknown to most of the people. This small looking green plant is very beneficial. Iron is abundant in Bathua, Bathua not only increases digestion power but also relieves many other diseases. In Gujarat it is also called Cheel. Bathua is such a vegetable or greens, which despite being a mine of qualities, grows automatically in the fields without any special labor and care. This green plant of one and a half feet is full of many qualities. Bathua’s parathas and raita are eaten by people with great gusto, but they are not much familiar with its medicinal properties, aromatic oil, potash and albuminoid are found in its leaves. From the point of view of dosha karma, it is going to pacify the tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).
Ayurvedic scholars have considered Bathua to be an appetite enhancer, a choleretic agent, and a cleanser and purifier of excreta. It is useful for the eyes and destroyer of stomach worms. It improves digestion, increases interest in food, removes constipation and makes the voice (throat) sweet. Red Bathua is more useful than green in properties. Its consumption destroys the outbreak of Vata, Pitta, Kapha and increases strength and intelligence. Consumption of red bathua is beneficial in the problem of passing urine drop by drop. In TB cough, eating it after cooking it in almond oil is beneficial. Boiling its leaves in water and adding sugar (not sugar) to regular constipated people is very beneficial. This water is also beneficial for kidney and constipation. This water is beneficial in swelling of spleen. If the swelling is high, grind the boiled leaves and apply a paste on the spleen. Red Bathua is also helpful in strengthening the heart, removing boils and cleaning the blood.
By erasing liver disorders, Bathua increases blood by increasing digestive power. Removes the laxity of the body. If the area around the liver is hard, due to which jaundice has occurred, then giving six grams of Bathua seeds with water in the morning and evening is beneficial. Grinding the seeds on the cob and applying it like a decoction cleans the dirt of the body and removes the spots on the face. Eating its greens is useful in diseases of spleen and outbreak of bile. Mixing a little salt in its juice and giving it two spoons twice a day gets rid of stomach worms. By mixing sugar candy in the juice of the leaves, urine comes freely. Eating its greens is beneficial in piles. The toilet comes open. There is relief in pain. Washing colored and silk clothes with its decoction removes stains and preserves the colors. Eating its greens is very beneficial in loss of appetite, constipation, liver disease, jaundice. Eating its greens is beneficial in general debility and weakness after fever. Eating Bathua’s greens is also beneficial in metal weakness.
Bathua strengthens the stomach, heals the liver enlarged by heat. Boiled water of bathua tastes good and raita made in curd is delicious, it is also auspicious. In any way, take bathua daily.
health benefits of eating bathua
Useful in pimples, boils, swelling
On pimples, boils, swelling, after grinding bathua, mixing dry ginger and salt, tie it in a wet cloth and apply wet soil on the cloth and bake it in the fire. Tie it hot when it gets hot. The boil will sit or it will burst soon after ripening.
blood gall
Worms die by mixing raw bathua juice in 1 cup according to taste and drinking it once daily. Mixing one spoon of ground honey in bathua seeds and licking them also kills worms and cures gallstones.
keep healthy
The more and more Bathua’s greens are consumed, it is useful to stay healthy. Consume Bathua by adding minimum spices. It is better not to add salt, if you have to add it for taste, then add rock salt and sprinkle it with ghee of cow or buffalo.
If there is a stone, if you mix sugar in 1 glass of raw bathua juice and consume it regularly, then the stone will break and come out. If there are lice, boil bathua and wash your head with its water, then the lice will die and the hair will become clean.
If menstruation is stopped, boil 2 spoons of bathua seeds in a glass of water. Filter and drink when it remains half. Menstruation will come openly. If there is swelling and redness in the eyes, eat vegetable of Bathua daily.
urinary tract diseases
Boil 1/2 kg Bathua, 3 glasses of water, both and then filter the water. After squeezing out the water from the bathua, mix this also in the filtered water. Take lemon, cumin, a little black pepper and rock salt for taste and drink it. Take the water thus prepared thrice a day. It cures burning sensation in urine, pain after urinating, burning sensation, diarrhea comes clean. Stomach gas, indigestion goes away. Stomach feels light. Eat boiled leaves mixed with curd.
stomach diseases
As long as Bathua’s greens are available in the season, eat its vegetable regularly. Drink bathua juice, boiled water, it cures all types of stomach diseases, liver, spleen, indigestion, gas, worms, pain, gallstones.
Bathua gives strength to the stomach, removes constipation. Perpetual constipation goes away by eating vegetable of bathua daily for a few weeks. Strength comes in the body and energy remains.
In skin diseases like white spots, ringworm, itching, boils, boil bathua daily, squeeze it and drink its juice and eat vegetables. Wash the skin with boiled bathua water. Grind the raw leaves of bathua and squeeze out the juice. Mix half a cup of sesame oil in two cups of juice and heat it on a slow fire. When the juice remains water after burning, then filter it and fill it in a vial and cure skin diseases.