MCB: A video of a bear roaming in the city of Manendragarh Chirmiri Bharatpur is going viral. After which people are in panic. After this video went viral, people who often roam around the city in the morning and evening are in panic. A video of the bear roaming in Manendragarh city surfaced. The bear was roaming near Government Vivekananda College of Manendragarh city on Saturday. During this time someone made a video of it and made it viral on social media. People have informed the Forest Department Manendragarh about the bear roaming in the city. The forest department is keeping an eye on the bear.
In the year 2015, the hills and forests adjacent to the settlements around the city in Korea, Manendragarh, Surajpur, Kanker, and Bastar were made habitable for bears under the Jamwant Scheme. Lakhs of rupees were spent and trees liked by the bears were planted. Guava, jamun, plum, macoy, gular and mango saplings were planted in these trees so that the bear could feed itself and remain in the forest. But this did not happen. Due to lack of care the plants dried up. Due to which bears are coming out of the forest towards cities and villages in search of food and water. Many times people’s lives are also in danger due to this.