Eating raw onion is beneficial for health. By eating onion, the body can be saved from joint disease and many types of infections. Increases. Raw onion eaten in the form of salad with food is very good for our health. Sandwich, salad or chaat, onion doubles the taste of all. Let us know about the benefits of eating onions.
- The fibers present in onions are very beneficial for the stomach. Constipation is removed by eating onions. Onions also contain fiber which helps to flush out the waste from the stomach.
- Drinking onion juice also provides relief from cold, cough or sore throat. Mixing jaggery or honey in it and drinking it is more beneficial.
- If there is bleeding from the nose, then smelling a cut raw onion also gives relief. Apart from this, if there is a problem of piles, then eating white onion will get rid of this problem.
Insulin is produced by eating 4. onions daily. Diabetic patient should consume onion in salad daily along with food. - Raw onion controls blood pressure. It contains methyl sulfide and amino acids. That is why it also controls cholesterol and protects the heart from diseases.
- Onion should be eaten daily in summer. This will save you from heat stroke.
Mixing 7. 3 spoons of onion juice and one spoon of honey provides relief from menstrual irregularities and pain during that period. - Mix curd, basil juice and lemon juice in onion juice and apply it on the hair. This stops hair fall and also gets rid of the problem of dandruff.