Bhanupratappur. A big accident has happened in Bhanupratappur of Kanker district. Where the wall of the godown under construction has become frozen. There is news of 12 laborers getting buried under the wall. At the same time 1 has also died. 11 are said to be seriously injured.
Please tell that the whole incident is of Chavela village of Bhanupratappur police station area. Where a godown was being constructed for the rice mill. Whose wall has collapsed. 1 laborer has lost his life in the accident. At the same time, 11 people have been seriously injured. All have been admitted to Bhanupratappur Community Health Center for treatment. The injured include 6 women and 5 men. At the same time, the possibility of having more laborers under the debris is being expressed. Whose search is on.