The embarrassing news of humanity is coming out from Nalanda. Where an old man was beaten to death in a dispute. It is being told that a dispute was going on between the neighbor and him for a long time. On this matter last night both of them had a heated argument and then started pelting stones from one side. After which the entire area turned into a battlefield in no time. The lathi-danda started walking. Meanwhile, people from one side caught hold of the old man and thrashed him till he died.
The dispute was going on for a long time
The incident is of Arjun Sarthua village under Khudaganj police station area of the district. Where there was a dispute going on between two neighbors for a long time. Often there used to be heard between the two, but last night the matter escalated a bit. The dispute between the children reached the elders. After which both the groups clashed with each other. The tussle started, the lathi poles also started moving. In which many people have also been injured. The limit was reached when one side started beating the old man. Due to which he died on the spot.
Angry people also argued with the police
The relatives of the deceased told that he was mercilessly beaten up. They have been beaten till they die. The deceased has been identified as Chandeshwar Yadav. When the police reached the spot after getting the information about the matter, the angry people started arguing with the police as well. Somehow the police pacified the matter by convincing everyone. DSP Krishna Murari Prasad told that the matter is being investigated. It was only after the post mortem report that it was revealed that how the old man died.