Capsicum is eaten as salad. Capsicum, available in red, green and yellow colors, is very beneficial for health. Let us tell you about the benefits of capsicum. In Reduces back pain: It is believed that people who frequently consume capsicum have less problems like back pain, sciatica and joint pain. Capsaicin, the main chemical found in capsicum, is considered a pain reliever. It is believed that capsicum is also very beneficial in preventing cancer. It does not allow cancer cells to develop. It is believed that consuming capsicum in some form or the other every day greatly reduces the risk of cancer. Eating capsicum provides relief from pain anywhere in the body, because it contains elements that act as natural painkillers. If you are thinking of losing weight, then you must consume capsicum, because the amount of calories in it is negligible. Being rich in Vitamin C, it also helps in fighting infectious diseases. It is also effective in increasing immunity. It is also beneficial in lung infection and asthma. Herbal experts believe that if we consume capsicum, our cholesterol remains under control, due to which heart related diseases are protected. Use of capsicum tightens the skin. Consumption of red capsicum is very beneficial in preventing the development of wrinkles and clearing the complexion. Consuming red capsicum also provides relief from the problem of hair fall. it It supplies ample amount of oxygen to our hair follicles and at the same time improves blood circulation in the hair roots. This promotes hair growth and stops hair fall.