Harvest. The village panchayat secretary, a resident of Deori Sarkar village under Pawai police station of neighboring Panna district, was hit by a car on Friday while returning home from the panchayat. In critical condition, the relatives took him to Powai Hospital, from where he was referred to Katni. Relatives took him to a private hospital where he died during treatment. The police has established a path.
Was posted in Birsinghpur Gram Panchayat
Deori Sarkar Powai resident Ramdeen father Galbaliya Chowdhary was posted in Birsinghpur Gram Panchayat for 46 years. On Friday afternoon, he was returning on a motorcycle after completing the work of the Gram Panchayat. On the way, a car driver hit him from behind. In which his motorcycle entered under the car. The people around took them out and informed their relatives.
Relatives were taken to Powai Hospital, referred to Katni
The relatives took the village panchayat secretary to Powai hospital in critical condition. From where he was referred to Katni after first aid. Relatives took him to a private hospital in Katni, where he died during treatment. The police have taken the dead body into custody and the PM of the dead body is being done in the district hospital.