Clever murderer sentenced to life imprisonment, murdered and donated the dead body to the medical college

Raipur. Four years ago, in February 2019, in Purani Basti, after strangulating an elderly mother to death, the adopted son, who cleverly donated her dead body to the Medical College, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Criminal Sudip Kumar Bose (26 years) killed the person who had adopted him for greed of money and property. To destroy the evidence, the dead body was donated to the Medical College. But the truth came out in the court.
Special Judge (Atrocities) Hirendra Singh Tekam sentenced him to life imprisonment. Accused Sudeep was adopted by 68-year-old deceased Hemprabha. Both Parshuram Nagar lived near Gupta Kirana. On February 25, at 10 pm, the accused strangulated the old woman to death. To dispose of the dead body, he took the deceased to a private hospital on the pretext of deteriorating health. The doctor declared him dead after examination. The deceased had declared while alive that she would donate her body. Taking advantage of this, he handed over the dead body to the Medical College.
He did not tell any relative about the deteriorating health of the deceased and about being taken to the hospital. He himself donated his body. Jagdish Bose, the brother of the deceased, got suspicious. On his complaint, the police came to know during investigation that Sudeep used to beat Hemprabha for money. The police conducted the post-mortem of the dead body. It was found that there were marks of beating and assault with blunt weapons on the body of the deceased. The police arrested the accused and the court has now sentenced him.