Paradip: Cocaine worth Rs 220 crore seized at Paradip port was deposited in Kujanga NDPS court, reports said on Wednesday. The seized cocaine was presented to the Customs Department.
Credible reports said the sample will go to the National Forensic Lab for testing. On December 1, about 22 kg of cocaine was seized at Paradip port in Odisha from a ship coming from Indonesia. The estimated value of the seized drugs is approximately Rs. 220 crores.
Yesterday, when the customs department was searching, some packets were found on the ship. Then when it was searched, a white powder like substance was found from the packet. The customs team, after testing, found that the substance was cocaine.
About 22 kg of cocaine seized in Paradip was found on the ship. Customs Commissioner Madhav Chandra Mishra said about the seizure. A team along with the Commissioner is visiting Paradeep for further investigation.
The report said the ship has been taken into custody. The ship, which was on its way from Indonesia to Europe, had reportedly come to Paradip to pick up some goods. According to credible reports, suspicious packets have been found on board a ship at Paradip port. Local police, CISF and dog squad are investigating the matter.
These eight packets were seized from a ship named MV Debbie, which was stopped at the PICT berth of Paradip port. All these alleged contraband seized at Paradip Port have been handed over to the Excise and Customs Department.
Reports said the ship was docked at night. These eight packets were found during the investigation of the Customs Department.
However, the ship’s crew could not tell who had kept this packet and for what purpose. Paradeep Adams police station, CISF and dog squad were informed.
On opening the packet during inspection, some suspicious items were found in it. However, it has been said that there is nothing to worry about.