Raigarh. Corporation Commissioner Sunil Kumar Chandravanshi took stock of SLRM centre, road repair and drain cleaning. The commissioner directed to issue show cause notices to the manager and PIU regarding the negligence in the cleaning system of the city, work in SLRM center and night shelter. The commissioner who arrived on inspection of Nawapara and Banjinpara SLR M centers found the centers closed. On this, the PIU Sanitation Mission Instructor was instructed to issue a notice. After this, inspected the ware house and milk dairy SLRM center. Information about the number of rickshaws and cleanliness videos was taken in both the centres. Commissioner Chandravanshi inquired about the arrangement related to the sale of dry waste along with the quantity of waste coming to the center every day. After this, the stock register, attendance register and other register maintenance of both the centers were checked.
The commissioner told the supervisors of the center to motivate the sanitation didis to give dry and wet garbage separately to the wards of their respective routine wards and not to throw garbage here and there in rickshaws, to keep the surroundings as clean as their homes. Somewhere After this, inspected the Rain Basera and Mangal Bhavan Sulabh Toilet located at Kevabadi Bus Stand. The commissioner directed all the engineers concerned in the ongoing road construction repair in the city to be present during the work and check the quality. The commissioner also inspected the Shani Mandir Marine Drive road.