Contact number of General, Expenditure and Police Observer appointed for Assembly elections released

Mahasamund. For the Assembly elections 2023, time has been reserved for the General Observer, Expenditure Observer and Police Observer appointed by the Election Commission of India for the assembly constituencies to meet the general public from 10:00 am to 11:00 am at New Circuit House Labhra Khurd.
During this time, observers can also be contacted on their mobile numbers. Also, Liaisoning Officer has been appointed for the observers.
The general observer appointed for assembly constituencies Khallari-41 and Mahasamund-42 is Vivek L. Bhimanwar, IAS (Mob. No.-7587016657) and office number is 07723-296644 /296595. Liaisoning Officer Vikas Chandrakar has been appointed Instructor, Forest School for Bhimanwar. General Observer Zafar Malik appointed for Basna-40 and Saraipali-39 will be the Liaisoning Officer for IAS (Mob. No.-7587016656,07723-296710/296465),
Mr. Anil Bhaskaran, Deputy Divisional Forest Officer, Saraipali. Similarly, for the Expenditure Observer Yogesh Kumar Sharma of Assembly Constituency No. 39 Saraipali and Basna-40, India (Mob. No. 7587016659, 07723-296710/296465), Mr. U.R. Abdul Waheed Khan, Deputy Divisional Forest Officer, Mahasamund has been appointed Liaisoning Officer for Basant, Deputy Forest Officer, Pithora and expenditure observer of Mahasamund-42 and Khallari-41, Nilesh Rautkar, India (Mob. No.- 7587016670,07723-296644/296595). Similarly, police observer Krishna Kumar V.K. was appointed for all four assembly constituencies. You can contact BHP (Mot. No. 7587016658) and all the above mentioned land line office numbers. Liaisoning officer for Kumar will be Dhanendra Dhruv, Deputy Superintendent of Police Traffic.