Dharsiwa. Dharsiwa. Environmental public hearing for expansion of Rama Udyog was held on Tuesday in CSIDC office premises of Silatra industrial area. Due to no announcement in nearby Gram Panchayats, most of the villagers could not attend the public hearing. But those who reached after getting information from somewhere, they also strongly opposed the expansion. Apart from the villagers, some public representatives, people associated with labor organizations also raised questions on such public hearing without proper publicity amid increasing industrial pollution and opposed the expansion of Rama Udyog.
Among the few people who supported the expansion of Rama Udyog, when one person supporting the expansion told that he works in Rama Udyog. During the public hearing, farmer Komal Pal, troubled by the chemical-laden water of Rama Udyog, expressed his pain about the destruction of his paddy crop and opposed the expansion. In the public hearing, most of the people registered their protest against the increasing pollution and exploitation and said that the public hearing would be held only after proper publicity. However, after the expansion was strongly opposed in the public hearing, Kuldeep Shrivastav, who was present on behalf of the factory management, said that this expansion of Rama Udyog will not increase pollution but will reduce it much more than before.