Raipur. A sensational case has come to the fore from the capital. Here the dead body of an unknown youth has been found near the railway track under construction between Nimora and Uparwara of Naya Raipur. Injury marks have also been found on the young man’s body. On the information of getting the dead body, the police has reached the spot and is engaged in the investigation. The youth has not been identified. This case is related to Rakhi police station area.
According to the information, the dead body of an unknown youth has been found near the railway track under construction between Nimora and Uparwara village under Rakhi police station area. Police has reached the spot on the information of the incident. The police have started investigating by establishing a route. It is being told that injury marks have been found on the young man’s body. The age of the deceased youth is said to be around 40 to 45 years. At the moment, the cause of death is unknown. The police is engaged in identifying the youth.