The fish and meat complex at the Mapusa market is reportedly suffering from neglect with regard to cleanliness, resulting in slippery floors and incidents of visitors losing balance.
And falling.
Sources said the floors of the complex are not cleaned regularly. Moreover, the upper floor, where there are chicken and mutton shops, is a victim of neglect and has spit stains on it.
And dirt.
On several occasions, stall owners and fish vendors have raised the issue of lack of cleanliness with the authorities, but to no avail.
On Sunday morning, a woman was reported injured after a tile at the entrance of the complex broke and she had to be taken to hospital.
private hospital.
Mapusa Fish Vendors Association President Shashikala Govekar confirmed the incident, saying it was unfortunate and demanded that the Mapusa Municipality carry out cleaning on a regular basis.
He further said that incidents of people falling in the complex bring a bad name to the market and hence there is a need to ensure that they are not repeated.