New Delhi (IANS) | Lieutenant Governor of Delhi V.K. Saxena on Monday approved training of Delhi civil servants at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), some middle and senior level officials for residential training at IIM-Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Kolkata under ‘Vision Atdate 2047’ and ‘Mission 2023’ Will go for training as a part of These training programs will be in addition to the training under ‘Karmayogi Bharat’ and envisages training decision makers in contemporarily relevant areas such as public-private partnership, change management, leadership and decision science.
This proposal for collaboration with IIMs was forwarded by the Training Department of the Union Territory Civil Services (UTCS) after the Lieutenant Governor suggested for comprehensive training.
As of now training programs on various subjects under ‘Karmayogi Bharat’ are available on IGOT (Integrated Government Online Training) platform and it offers courses in online mode like Daksh Courses – Leave Rules, Noting & Drafting, Office Procedure, GeM & RTI , Karmayogi Induction – Code of Conduct for Government Servants, Stress Management, Effective Communication, MS-Word, MS-Excel etc., Karmayogi Induction to newly appointed Deputy Secretary/Director, Formulation of Public Policy, Basics of e-Governance and Digital Related to India etc.
The last such program on ‘Management Development’ at IIM-Ahmedabad was conducted for 24 DANICS executives in 2011-12 and again for 30 executives in 2012-13.