Shimla. The Education Department has sought details of projects pending due to lack of forest clearance. On behalf of Director Higher Education Department, Dr. Amarjeet Sharma, a circular has been issued to the Deputy Education Directors of all the districts and the principals and head teachers of the schools. A format has also been sent along with the circular. It has been asked how many school and college buildings are there for which the budget has been approved, but due to lack of FCA approval, no work has been done yet.
Principals will have to tell in the format what is the status of the FCA case, whether the case has been prepared and sent for it. How many cases are there whose cases have been prepared and sent for approval and how many cases are there whose cases have not even been prepared yet. Instructions have been given to send all this information to the Directorate of Education within a week. After this, its complete proposal will be prepared and sent to the government. The Public Works Department could not spend the budget released for the construction and maintenance of government school and college buildings in the state.