Divyang Park will be built in Raipur, Union Minister made the announcement on the demand of MP Brijmohan Agarwal

Raipur: Chief Minister Sai inaugurated Divya Kala Mela at BTI Ground in the capital today. Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Virendra Kumar also attended the program. He announced to build a Divyang Park in 5 acres on the demand of MP Brijmohan Agarwal.
Addressing the program, Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai said, Chhattisgarh is fortunate that the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has organized Divya Kala Mela. Union Minister Virendra Kumar has been an MP for 8 consecutive times. MP Brijmohan Agarwal is also an invincible warrior. He has become an MP for the first time after being an MLA 8 times. The CM said, earlier when Divyangjans were called handicapped, it did not feel good. The Prime Minister increased the respect of Divyang people, now it feels good to be called Divyang. He visited the stalls set up in the fair. Divyang Kala Mela is going to run for 7 days. The public is requested to come to the fair and encourage the Divyangjans. There is a loan system to make the Divyangjan self-reliant. Loans are being provided by the Social Welfare Department.
Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Virendra Kumar while addressing the program said, earlier Divyangs were called by different names. Reservation for Divyangs was made 4 percent. Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan was started. Brijmohan Agarwal was on the board with us. 16 Divyang Kala Mela have been organized in different cities. Divya Kala Shakti was started from Rashtrapati Bhavan. 12 programs of Divya Kala Shakti have been organized across the country. He said, Divyangs have to be empowered economically and socially. The objective of the program is that Divyang entrepreneurs get a platform to sell their products. Accepting Brijmohan Agarwal’s demand, Union Minister Virendra Kumar said, Divyang Park will be built for Divyangjans in 5 acres of land in Chhattisgarh.