We all know how beneficial green leafy vegetables are for health. Not only folate or anti-oxidants are present in it, but vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium etc. are also found in plenty.
This is the reason why everyone is advised to eat green leafy vegetables. By consuming it, the eyesight becomes sharp, the lack of blood in the body also goes away. But do you know that there are some vegetables which can cause harm instead of benefits.
Yes, there are some vegetables which should be avoided in raw form. So let’s know about such vegetables which, if cooked and eaten, are of great benefit. But eating raw can cause harm.
do not eat brinjal raw
Brinjal is such a vegetable which is consumed in almost every household. Brinjal is used to make bharta, sabzi, pakoras or parathas. But if you use it in salad, wait a while, because eating brinjal raw can be harmful.
It is said that brinjal contains alkaloid compound solanine, which works to harm our health. Therefore, eating brinjal raw can cause gastrointestinal problems.
Do not eat wild mushrooms raw
Whether you are a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, mushrooms are loved by most foodies. Be it the delicious Chilli Mushroom or Mushroom Pizza……they are made in different ways. But there are some people who like to eat raw mushrooms, but try not to eat them without cooking. (It is very beneficial to consume mushrooms)
It has high potassium content. Also, some bacteria are also present in it, which can be harmful to your health. So always wash the mushrooms thoroughly and roast them. Then consume it according to your choice.
Don’t eat Brussels sprouts raw
Brussels sprouts should also not be eaten raw as it can upset your digestion. It would be better if you cook it or roast it lightly. This vegetable is said to increase stress by wreaking havoc on your digestive tract.
If you are making it for salad or for making burgers, first heat olive oil in a pan. (Benefits of olive oil) Then cook on low flame for some time and then serve with dishes. By doing this, its taste will also increase and health will also have many benefits.
do not eat spinach raw
What spinach….? Spinach is very beneficial for health….how it can harm our health? Yes, it is true that spinach is one of the richest sources of iron, calcium and fibre. However, before consuming it, experts recommend blanching the leaves as doing so does not eliminate the essential nutrients.
On the other hand, eating raw spinach can be harmful, because oxalic acid is produced when it comes in contact with heat. These elements create bacteria and cause many physical problems. That’s why it would be better not to eat spinach raw and cook it lightly.
do not eat raw potatoes
Potatoes are present in almost every kitchen as it is very easy to use. But do you know that consuming it raw can prove to be harmful for health. It is such a vegetable in which starch is found in abundance. We all know that starch works to spoil the digestive system.
That’s why eat potatoes after boiling or frying them. This is because cooking potatoes breaks down the starch, which makes them easier to digest.
So which vegetables do you eat, do tell us in the comment section below. If you liked this article, then do share it and stay connected with your own website Harzindagi to read other similar articles.