Surya Namaskar has been created by combining 12 yoga asanas. In this, every step, every step has its own importance. It is beneficial for digestion, heart health, glowing skin and many more. Not only this, it reduces stress. Gives strength and peace to body and mind. This also detoxifies the body. To get full benefit from Surya Namaskar, you should know the right way to do it. Often people make some mistakes while doing Surya Namaskar, due to which they do not get full benefit from it. You should avoid 3 mistakes while doing Surya Namaskar. Health coach Rujuta Diwekar is giving information about this.
mistake while doing padahastasana
Padahastasana is also done in Surya Namaskar. This is the third asana done in Surya Namaskar.
While doing this asana, when we bend down, instead of moving our shoulders away from the ears, we keep them near the ears, which is wrong.
While doing this your hips should be up.
Shoulders should be away from the neck and palms should rest directly on the ground.
mistake while doing balancing asana
It is very important for the body to be in balance while doing this asana.
In this, it is very important to stretch the legs properly.
Often people do not stretch the hips and inner thighs with proper alignment.
While doing this plank, keep the body straight.
Try to keep the hips and thighs in a straight line.
By placing your hips too high or low, you can spoil the correct position of the balance posture.
Mistake while doing Adho Mukha Svanasana
People often do not do this asana correctly.
While doing this asana, you have to take position in such a way that the hips remain at the top.
Your body should be stretched in such a way that there is not much pressure and the body can get complete stretch (best stretching exercise).
Do not put weight on the front part of your body.
Don’t be in a hurry while getting back up.
Take care of these tips also
While doing Surya Namaskar, start from the front part of the yoga mat (How to Reuse Yoga Mat).
Do not wear too tight or loose clothes while doing Surya Namaskar.
Do not carry jewelery during this period.
Try to do 3 rounds daily.
See the expert’s post here
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