Often people are troubled by the problem of headache in summer. In this season, the problem of headache increases due to rising temperature, change in diet, dehydration etc. Sometimes this pain increases so much that only taking painkillers gives relief. However, you can get relief from the problem of headache by including some foods in your diet. Let us know, what things should be consumed to reduce the headache caused by strong sunlight.
watermelon juice
Due to lack of water in the body in summer, you may be troubled by the problem of headache. In such a situation, you must include watermelon or its juice in your diet. It contains about 92 percent water, which protects the body from the problem of dehydration. Apart from this, nutrients like fiber, potassium, vitamin-C, iron are found in watermelon, which help in removing other problems of the body.
eat spinach
The problem of headache is common in this season due to rising temperature, but you can get relief from this problem by consuming green leafy vegetables. Magnesium is found in sufficient quantity in spinach, which helps in reducing migraine attacks.
curd is beneficial
To get relief from the problem of headache in summer, definitely include calcium-rich foods in the diet. For this, you can consume curd regularly. Riboflavin and calcium present in it can help in reducing headache.
eat ginger
Ginger is a superfood, which is effective in providing relief from health related problems. Nutrients like Vitamin-C, calcium, iron, copper, manganese are found in it. If you are troubled by the problem of headache, then you can drink ginger tea or add ginger to your food.