Do you know that raw milk can not only enhance beauty but also spoil it, know what is the correct way of using it.

To maintain facial glow and enhance beauty, we often adopt many types of home remedies. Many women also resort to raw milk for this. It is believed that this improves the complexion, however in many cases it also causes harm.
Who should not consume raw milk?
Many people apply raw milk on their face without knowing their skin type. This causes many skin problems like acne, rashes, redness and swelling on the face. Let us know which kind of people should not apply raw milk on their face.
oily skin
People with oily skin have very active sebaceous glands. In such a situation, when milk or milk products are applied on the face, the fatty acids present in them increase the oil production, due to which the facial pores get clogged and dirt including bacteria starts accumulating in them rapidly.
face full of acne
People who have frequent pimples on their face should also avoid applying raw milk. Actually, pimples are caused by bacteria. In such a situation, when you apply raw milk, these bacteria penetrate deep into the pores of the skin, due to which the problem of acne persists for a long time.
sensitive skin
People who have sensitive skin are more prone to allergies. In such a situation, applying raw milk on the face can cause skin irritation, itching, redness, rash and rashes. People with sensitive skin should do a patch test before applying milk.