In today’s changing times, changes are seen in everyone’s lifestyle. Generally, these changes are seen in fashion as well as in food, which has become a part of everyone’s diet. With changing eating habits, fast food has played an important role in our lives. Due to its spicy taste, it has become a popular dish from children to old people, but eating too much junk food can cause the body to suffer from many diseases. Today we will tell you what are the disadvantages of eating junk food?
What is junk food?
Junk food is also commonly known as fast food. It is deficient in nutrients (like vitamins, minerals etc.) and contains excess calories, fat, sugar and other harmful substances. It tastes good but is not good for health.
Disadvantages of junk food
As we told you earlier also that junk food lacks nutrients (like vitamins, minerals etc.) and has excess of calories, fat, sugar and other harmful substances. Therefore their consumption can be harmful for health.
Actually, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used in fast food. Which can cause Chinese restaurant syndrome. In this, headache and other symptoms start appearing after eating fast food. According to a research, junk food causes contraction of muscles, which causes headache. This is why migraine sufferers are advised to avoid fast food.
Pimple/acne problem
According to a report, consumption of junk food can cause acne. People who consume instant noodles, junk food, carbonated drinks, snacks, processed cheese, chicken are more likely to suffer from acne. At the same time, people who consume nutritious food do not have the problem of acne.
possibility of heart disease
Junk food is also a major cause of heart diseases. Due to its consumption, clots form in the arteries due to which blood cannot reach the heart properly and there may be problem in pumping of blood in the heart. First is fatigue in the heart and second is loss in oxygen supply. For this reason, the problem of heart disease is also counted among the disadvantages of junk food.
Research conducted on children and adults aged 6 to 18 years is published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). During this research conducted in the year 2011-2012, the risk of obesity increased in those who consumed junk food in their diet such as salty snacks, sweets, sweetened beverages and fast food.
There is a possibility of increase in the problem of diabetes in those who consume junk food. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder, which causes hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hyperlipemia, negative nitrogen balance and at times ketonemia (metabolic disorder). 90% of people who consume junk food have diabetes.
Other diseases due to eating junk food
Junk food lacks nutrients due to which you may feel lack of energy.
- There is a lack of nutrition in the body
- concentration may be reduced
- May be a problem of asthma
- Irritability may arise in nature
- Mental disorder may also occur
Eating junk food is always harmful, yet people consume it and invite diseases. Always give preference to nutritious food instead of junk food, because alertness today can save you from health related harm tomorrow.