Whenever we try to lose weight, people give us many opinions. You will undoubtedly get a lot of information about what to eat and what to avoid for weight loss, but before considering any information or tip, you must take expert advice. Often, for weight loss, people give up homemade parathas completely and start following fancy diets. They believe that eating paratha increases weight, but is it really so? Can eating paratha really increase your weight? Let us know from the experts this time. Dietician and nutritionist Simran Kaur is giving this information.
Eat paratha like this to lose weight
According to experts, it is not right to give up paratha for weight loss. If you prepare it in the right way and eat it in the right quantity at the right time, it will not increase your weight.
If you use a lot of oil to make paratha, it can definitely lead to weight gain. Therefore, make paratha not in refined oil, but in desi ghee or regional oil and do not use it in excess quantity.
Instead of filling potato stuffing in paratha, try healthy stuffing like paneer, tofu and cabbage. This will provide protein to the body and will not increase weight.
Always eat paratha in lunch or breakfast. Avoid paratha in dinner as it contains more calories than roti.
Eat chutney or curd with paratha. This leads to meal balance.
Expert advice for weight loss
According to experts, for weight loss, not only paratha, but you can also eat any other home-made food. Home-cooked food generally does not lead to weight gain. Total calorie intake, lifestyle and many other factors are behind weight gain. In such a situation, try to take balanced meals and make your lifestyle healthy.
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