Jaipur : Education and Panchayati Raj Minister Shri Madan Dilawar reached Balotra on a one-day visit. Education Minister Shri Dilawar took darshan of Brahma Ji and offered prayers. Education and Panchayati Raj Minister Shri Madan Dilawar took darshan of Lord Brahma Ji in Asotra. During this, he reached the Samadhi place of Kheteshwar Maharaj Ji and offered prayers. Also took blessings of Brahmadham Gadipati Saint Shri Tulsaram Maharaj. During his visit to Asotra Dham, he listened to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s Mann Ki Baat program. Education Minister Shri Madan Dilawar was welcomed by Tirtha Trust on his arrival at Asotra.
After this, Education Minister Shri Madan Dilawar participated in the annual festival and talent award program organized at Kheteshwar Gurukul Steering Committee and honored the talents.